hello, my name is jo and i am addicted to a fantasy role-playing game where the logistics of the game bear no resemblance to reality whatsoever, but human behavior is on its best display.
since, as you know, i am also addicted to lists, i decided to pinpoint some of the aspects of the game that i find annoyingly illogical as i'm immersed in this fantasy. i mean, if i'm using this to escape reality i need it to cooperate and not startle me out of this imaginary world with stupid flaws like the following:
1) trees drop gold. okay granted, trees shouldn't even be walking around and fighting, but for what possible purpose does a tree hoard gold?
2) dragons drop cloth. ignore the fact that dragons are imaginary. dragons have scales and leather hides. dragons breathe fire and therefore always keep themselves warm (which is why dragon-riders huddle against their pets, duh)...dragons wearing clothes? absolutely absurd.
3) you can skin a spider, and skinning it drops leather. i dunno. maybe this is just my personal skepticism inconveniently rearing its head; i can accept that a spider will talk in spidey-speak, and that they build colonies and have rulers, but leather? really? what happened to that exoskeleton thing?
4) you can eat and drink at the same time. impossible, i tell you. unless it's soup, where you can argue for both verbs.
5) your horse can fly but he can't swim. bah. well, i do think they fixed this in a more recent patch, but the idea that a mythical horse with fiery hooves that can float down through the sky would be limited by any terrain is quite ludicrous.
6) a wolf, or a slime ball, or a deer, or a lion, or a maggot, might spectacularly and surprisingly drop an epic sword or shield. what?! in what universe do maggots wield weapons and wear armor?
7) you can't cook with some of the fires in cities that are used mainly for light. clearly the warcrack programmers never had those child play-bake sets when they were kids, where you could bake cakes and cookies with a lightbulb. and clearly they've never roasted potatoes by tying them to the underside of the car on a long road trip. or they haven't ever fried an egg on the roof of the car in the summer. what a disappointing lack of imagination.
i'll add to this as they come to me. now it's off to summon a succubus, who is nicely outfitted in an S&M leather outfit complete with whip (obviously she's the dominant) and can seduce my enemies while i drain their souls. i love being a warlock.
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